
Dynatest has developed a range of equipment to measure both structural and functional aspects of the pavement systems. The equipment is designed to provide standardized data of the highest accuracy and repeatability making the output ideal for both project and network-level assessment.


Pavement engineers worldwide should have the best tools available to understand and model pavements. Dynatest produces a range of structural testing equipment that meets and in many cases exceed international standards. The tools can be used to assess pavements under different loading conditions enabling the engineer to identify the correct mode of failure and the optimum maintenance alternative.


Light Weight Deflectometer

The LWD is a portable version of the FWD. The LWD uses a load cell and geophones with the same accuracy as the FWD.

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Dynatest provides a range of tools for determining the ride and surface quality of the pavements, which can be used for evaluating road or airports. ​


Determining and maintaining acceptable pavement friction condition is highly important to airports and roads authorities. Low friction values may lead to fatal accidents that pavement engineers work diligently to avoid. Dynatest manufactures both locked wheel and slip friction units for use on airports and roads at both project and network levels.


The Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) is an accelerated, full-scale loading facility that accelerates pavement failure by simulating many years of traffic loading in a few months.

Do you want to know more?

You are always welcome to reach out to us if you want to know more about our equipment, have a specific question, or need our specialists to assist you. Our team is ready to support you.

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Pavement expertise in action